суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

american blue pit bulls

Last night concluded (perhaps?) M3apos;s best TP in recent history; well, it wasnapos;t terribly long and many of the scenes were not nearly huge so Iapos;m not sure if it actually counts as a TP, but it was a pretty damn good plot all around. Plenty of details of the execution were less than ideal, but letapos;s focus on the positive aspects today, to see if such a novel concept causes this journal to self-destruct.

* The plot was not episodic, in that things at the end are not functionally the same as they were before. Character loyalties and relationships have changed, major organizations have been disrupted and reformed anew. The nature of the game is altered as a result of what players did.

* Major events were set into motion (or prevented, in cases) by extant characters, including old FCs, OCs, new players, and players outside of any politically relevant inner social circle.

* Characters were allowed to make major decisions which effected their place both during and at the conclusion of the plot; no one was told that they had to be an Irregular or a Maverick.

* Almost every major faction or alignment had a role.

* In many (although of course not all) instances, the outcome of critical battles or missions was not predetermined.

* Some of the focal points of major scenes were concieved on the plot by players who had no pre-scripted role or prodding into a particular course of action by the people running the TP, e.g. Dr. Doppler.

* Rough balance was created were it did not apos;naturallyapos; exist via the playerbase at large, specifically the temping of unfilled Maverick FCs, most of whom offered excellent performances. This strategy has been used before and I contend that it is always excellent. Most factions have the FC lists for it these days.

* The plot was concieved and in large part run by players. This is a big selling point, but itapos;s equally important to mention that every point previous to this one is just as possible in plots concieved by staff and working with PCs.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cooperage newcastle

I am in my childcare guidance class right now and I just organized my writers journal
It was easy, everything was pretty obvious as to where it went except for the quizzes??
I read ahead in our weekly plans and we have to bring a mens magazine and a womens magazine one day, i wonder what that is about?
OH i got accaepted into the first school i applied to Oklahoma Wesleyan. Its a private christan school Im planning on getting my bachelors in biology then going to physicians assistant school Im excited about my first acceptance letter, but i am most definitely still waiting on BAYLORs response =] Hopefuully it will be soon

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arenado boquillas

This is old news to many people.

I had been asking my vampire spirit to help me with my health.

One night before I went to sleep he told me that I was healed.

Sadly, at the time I was skeptical. The condition had been something that had been bothering me for a while, and was certainly going nowhere.

He told me that he went to hell to get me healed.

This might raise questions, but as of late, hell is no longer a place of darkness. Itapos;s a place of worship for spirits to help themselves along their new path to God.

Several weeks later I went to the hospital for my examination. I was cranky and really didnapos;t care for these exams.

A week or two passes and in the mail the results came.


It was that impersonal and yet so earthshattering. A little box checked beside "Normal".

I wept for joy, knowing that my nightmare was over. The other spirits were thrilled, and it felt as though a sick demon had been torn out from me.

So a note to my DF.

Thanks pumpkin. You teach me everyday what it means to be patient and to hope for the best. You are simply an incredibly man and every day keeps getting better. I can only imagine what sort of emotional wreck Iapos;d be without your strength and devotion to our cause. Men will believe, babe. Trust me on that one. Even if the world will hate me for what I do, Iapos;ll gladly do it. I can not live with a clear conscious knowing that I have a gift and to ignore it and ignore a large group of incredible friends, the worst sin I could commit.

DF, stay strong. The good and bad times are ahead. Friends will turn from me. People will hate me despite our efforts to spread love. We will see more passionate friends, more love and a bigger faith in everything around us. Life is better together than alone. And babe, you arenapos;t alone.

Every second of everyday now is consumed by you or our future in this world. Our friends have hearts of gold and have provided us more strength.

If the whole world chooses to hate me, then let them do so. I will know in my heart that I can fall back onto you. And Iapos;m sure in my heart that there will be men who will take our cause to heart and embrace us and our message of love.

DG. Youapos;re perfect in your imperfections, and only you can fix my own.

Good night all. Take care of each other.
arenado boquillas, arenae.

dreamz unlimited.net

So like, Iapos;m tired. I always tired.

I get tired of things pretty easily, which Iapos;m guessing is the norm when youapos;re a teenager, so Iapos;d better get used to it. I donapos;t wanna talk about pirates. I donapos;t wanna talk in a British accent. I want to take a shower and go to bed, and I know I should read or write a bit first but I donapos;t wanna. I donapos;t, I donapos;t. And I donapos;t wanna get up early tomorrow either unless I am most well rested.

On Saturday I am going to watch a black belt test (go Pearlman, McCoy and Warren, woot). And I just realized I have two more years of Spanish to go.

Two. More.

Which isnapos;t so bad, but things arenapos;t going very well with I-Know-Who. On the bright side, Halloweenapos;s a-coming and I have some plans--though not very many. Better than nothing. Sadly it doesnapos;t involve play contest.

Sadly shouldnapos;t be at the front of that sentence because it modifies "it" and "it" in this case is not doing anything sadly, which is instead supposed to refer to my tone in that sentence. As in, hopefully or sadly. But whatever.

I am improving at Spanish. Today I learned how to properly say "I agree that weapos;re all going to die," and so now itapos;s okay.

Clap. Clap.

I am torn between writing about Simon and his extreme guyishness (read: density) and keeping it deep, deep inside. Deep, deep. As in, so deep it will only ever come out in girl talks, on eight separate occasions, in Spanish class when my bffn Anne and I are whispering instead of paying attention and when I am trying not to give him glances. Trying, trying. So I will try to keep my feelings in but Iapos;ll end up telling Anne, and sheapos;ll talk about Jake, and weapos;ll both feel pretty bad, and then weapos;ll take a Spanish quiz, or maybe get one back. Then I guess itapos;ll be all right.

Cheer up, emo kid.

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angela little playmate

I got a Fastrak violation.� (The auto toll thing.)� Totally bogus.� I wrote to them:

1) I didnapos;t HAVE a CA license plate in August.

2) The plate in the picture is of a different license plate than the CA plate
I received in September.

3) Your system must be massively flawed to send a violation for a plate not
existent at the time of infraction.

They wrote back:

Dear FasTrak Customer,

Unfortunately, this license plate is not listed on your fastrak account. You
must complete section C on the back of the violation notice and return it to the
address listed below.

Thank you for using FasTrak.

Helpful, no?� The rep on the phone also had issues with me not having an account.� I had to tell her 3 times and yell at her that I didnapos;t have an account.� Certainly not going to get one either

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binnie xx xx

The final presidential debate is over and just like weddings, graduations and babies... I don't know where the time has gone.

In the beginning I was a very enthusiastic. I watched every debate, Republican and Democrat. I went to see Barack Obama speak and I caucused with my hubby.

But for the last few months, I have lost interest. Negative campaigning and tabloid journalism hasn't been able to garner my attention. I don't think I'm alone.

But, today as I counted down the days to November 4, I got a little of that initial excitement back.

I love election coverage. I spent 2000 and 2004 on the edge of my seat. I don't think this year will any different.

So, on my political agenda, voting early, because it's easier and counting down the days to our excellent political coverage on KTIV.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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All in all, things have been going along pretty smoothly.� Work is still just work.� T has decided that itapos;s time to be looking for another job and more cash.� Never a bad idea.� N has been picking up some side jobs and appears to be doing well on that front.� Last night R and V came over for dinner and beer.� N made chili and DAMN.� Thatapos;s all I can say.� Just, DAMN.� After dinner, the playing of video games ensued, and I left the room.� I just canapos;t stand just sitting there watching video games.� So, figuring it wouldnapos;t last too long, I went into the bedroom to do something.� I canapos;t quite remember what it was but I laid down on the bed, aka the evil black hole of comfort.� Next thing I know, itapos;s 11:30 and N is getting ready for bed.� Looks like I slept through the party.� Sorry about that guys.� Hope all is well in everyones world.� J.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

boscovs travel agency

Iapos;m once again on an information quest that, despite much great help from youngersib and some from Womzilla, bore no fruit a few years ago.

Does anyone know of a first-hand account of dying from rabies?

I did get lots of good descriptions from the outside, I think one by Pasteur of a young rabid boy, but some human being, possibly already a writer, must have gotten rabies and written about how it felt.

Anyone? Anyone know anyone who might know or be able to find such a piece? Itapos;s not for any professional writing (as of now), but from a burning curiosity. Hmm. Feverish and rabid curiosity, even.

Mood: chipper
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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

faggot lyrics

Dear God, Today Iapos;m thinking about how people try so hard to be independent. We want to be individuals, to "do it myself." It starts when we are children. Then again, we are still children in your eyes, no matter what our age. I realize that people really do need each other. We need to support one another emotionally and spiritually...and sometimes physically. We need accountability, and a true friend or loving family member so often provides that. Help me to be willing to help and to be helped. May I be a loving member of the family of God...and a team player in my home, workplace, school, ministry, wherever I live and serve. In Jesusapos; name, amen.

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